Take Action

Each of us has an impact, and each of us can have a part in the solution. Timing is crucial. History has shown that the climate is very reactive to small changes. This climate tendency can be disastrous for us if we don’t act. However, it can also work to our advantage. Small changes can make a difference.

Individual | Business


There are many things that we, as individuals, can do to reduce our impact on the climate. The great thing about the large majority of these is that they can also benefit your bank account.

  • Determine your carbon footprint

    Your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon your day-to-day activities emit into the environment. There are many sites around the Internet that can compute this for you based on a few simple questions.

  • Reduce, reuse, recycle

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that, “Current national recycling efforts reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 49.9 million metric tons of carbon equivalent, which is equivalent to the annual greenhouse gas emissions from 39.6 million passenger cars.”

  • Use energy efficient appliances

    Look for the “Energy Star” logo on appliances before you purchase. It can make a difference in your monthly bills as well as save energy.

  • Use energy efficient light bulbs

    Using compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL) can make a significant difference in your energy consumption. However, if you have reservations about CFL’s, many lighting manufacturers make high efficiency versions of standard bulbs.

  • Use mass transit

    Each trip takes one vehicle off of the road. Look around you on your next trip using this option and count the number of vehicles that could have been on the road.

  • Buy locally grown food where it’s available

    All of our natural groceries must be transported to us from where they are grown. Make that trip as short as possible.

  • Better insulate your home

    Make your current air conditioner or heater as efficient as possible.

  • Use an automatic timer on your air conditioner

    Let your air conditioner adjust itself based on your daily routine. Many timers can be adjusted based on when you get up, when you go to work, when you return, and when you go to bed. It will also make a difference on your electric bill.

  • Plan your errand trips

    UPS plans out its delivery trips to avoid left turns in order to conserve fuel. You can do the same. Plan to make the most of your trips, reducing the number of trips and making those you perform as efficient as possible. Make sure your vehicle is in good working condition and be sure to keep your tires properly inflated.

  • Get an energy efficiency audit

    Many power companies offer free home energy audits that can pinpoint where you can make the biggest differences in saving on your monthly bill. Take advantage.

  • Make your next car a fuel-efficient one

    With the rising cost of gasoline, this is a no-brainer. Sure, you can make it a hybrid, but, at the very least, you can make it one that gets high miles per gallon. Your bank account will thank you.

  • Reduce junk mail

    There are many services available now to reduce the amount of junk mail that clogs your mailbox, and the less junk mail you receive, the more trees you can save. GreenDimes is a good example.

  • Pay bills online

    Many utilities and creditors enable you to receive and pay your bills online. Reduce your mailbox clutter and save on postage at the same time.

  • Encourage your employer to utilize green practices in buildings and operations

    There are many, many things that small and large businesses alike can do to become more energy efficient. Buildings are one of the larger contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Let your employer know it’s important to you, and offer possible solutions. Not only can it help the environment and reduce emissions, it can save your company money and result in a promotion.

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Efficiency doesn’t start and stop at home.

  • All of the above

    Many of the tips mentioned at the personal level can be applied to your business with an even greater impact and with positive results to your financial bottom line.

  • Utilize green building practices

    Considering energy efficiency from the onset of design and construction can pay dividends, environmental and financial, throughout the life of the building.

  • Go paperless

    Reduce paperwork by having your offices go paperless. Many vendors offer technology solutions to accommodate your most complex business workflows.

  • Use light timers and motion detectors

    Don’t rely on your employees. Have the lights turn themselves on and off.

  • Encourage your business partners to go green

    Your partners and contractors can reap the same benefits and may opt to pass some of those savings on to you.

  • Transact business online

    Exploit electronic business transactions via methods like Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to simplify, expedite, and improve your business flow.

  • Reduce travel and education expenses

    Leverage the capabilities of the Internet to meet online and distribute and receive education using methods such as wikis and podcasts.

  • Adopt telecommuting

    Technology and the Internet have advanced to the point where many jobs can be performed without leaving home. If your company utilizes such jobs, consider adopting a telecommuting approach. Not only will it save your company money in building-related expenses, it opens up the talent pool of potential employees to those outside of the immediate geographical area.

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The Consensus

173 professional scientific organizations (and counting) around the world acknowledge the global impact of rising emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities

The Indicators

Climate Change Indicators Climate Change Indicators NASA GISS - Global Annual Mean Surface Air Temperature ChangeGlobal Temperature Sea level change from 1993 to the present day Global Sea Level Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Anomaly, 1979-Present Arctic Ice Melt Glacial Retreat, 1980-2010 Glacial Retreat Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations, Mauna Loa Atmospheric CO2 Level